Area |
Descrizione |
Download |
Modelli STL |
Spreent 3DSoftware di gestione dei modelli di stampa. Integrazione totale con le stampanti 3D Business della famiglia Galaxy. CHANGELOG: 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 |
Driver |
Drive Dongle Spreent -3DDriver per la Chive Dongle Usb necessaria ad attivare il software Spreent 3D. |
Utility | Print Finder trova velocemente la tua stampante 3D nella rete con un click | |
Setup | File di configurazione per Spreent 3D (Tutte le versioni)
Decomprimere e sostituire file esistente nella cartella …programmi/Spreent3D/ |
How to get the Output code to send us for the free trial

- Install the Software (PC).
- When applying for a license, state that you do not have one.
- Click on “Continue.”

- Click on ” Request License.”

- Copy the code at the top of the screen.”
- Paste into the form field ” Output Code “below.
- Check that you have completed the other fields in the request form.
- Click submit
- Wait for the Response Code by email.

- Copy the code in the “Activaction Code” part.
- Click Ok

The perfect solution for managing your printi. Developed by 3D Business together with its partners for your most important 3d projects.
Request your 30-day trial license to touch the full potential of 3D Business software. [Segui le istruzioni di attivazioni]